Thursday, March 21, 2013

Surprised At 40

My cousin J just turned 40!  Wow, time has really gone by unbelievably fast.  While I was putting this collage together for her surprise party, I thought about her and how she was in her younger years.  I wish I had photos of her back then to include in the collage, but every memory I have of her is all in my head.

My sister and I grew up admiring her.  She was [and still is] very smart. She was very popular in school.  She always looked nice--tall, slim, neat and very well-groomed. Her hair so black, straight and shiny. She walked so gracefully and turned heads everywhere she went. When we would go back to our parents' hometown during fiesta celebrations and she would be out and about, people--including myself, would stop whatever we're doing to stare at her.  I don't know if she knew this back then but that was how it was!

We lost contact when her family moved to Cebu. I can't recall when I saw her next, but what I clearly remember was how stunned I was at how much she's grown. She was even more beautiful and she looked radiant!  I remember feeling so embarrassed in front of her, but she was always so kind, grounded and very approachable. She had a way of making us feel comfortable in front of her and her family. When I moved to Cebu myself, I saw her more, but not very often.  I remember going to the movies with her. We watched Moulin Rouge together. I had already seen the movie once but I watched it again so I could watch it with her. I remember going out with her and sharing a crepe at East West Cafe in the IT Park. I remember meeting her at Tinder Box when she was trying to get over a painful break-up.  I think that was the start of our stronger bond. We communicated regularly since then and it went on even after I moved to the US.  She followed about four years later.

These days, we still don't see each other very often, but we keep each other posted through texts, occasional phone calls, Facebook and Instagram.  It is a bummer that she doesn't blog anymore. She is such an amazing writer and photographer, and I so love reading her!  But I know she is out there, living her life, managing a household, being the mom and wife that she wants to be, realizing some dreams.

She's had her share of challenges, but who doesn't?  Yet I know she's a fighter and she can get through just about anything.  She has become a very private person, so she doesn't share that much anymore--not to me, at least.  Maybe she opens up to those closer to her, and I hope she does.  I wish her happiness--lots of it. Because she deserves it!

So on her 40th birthday, despite her saying that she doesn't feel like celebrating, I just had to celebrate her.  My aunt, my sister and I, with the help of two friends from afar, planned her surprise party.  I got her husband to cooperate too and he did really well at guarding our secret plan.  In the end, it turned out to be the surprise celebration we had hoped it to be.  The best part of it was the look of genuine happiness in her face. It will definitely be another one of those happy memories that I will have of her.

I hope she knows it in her heart that I care for her and she will always have a support person in me. That I love her like a sister and will always have her back.  That I will always celebrate her victories and share her pains.  I wish that she will always remain the kind, spirited, gracious and beautiful person that she is.  May our good Lord bless her today and always!

Here's sharing more photos of her surprise birthday celebration.


  1. i really admire pie gyud. i love her writing. her photographs. everything about her. mao siguro i can so relate to this blog.

    and just like you i wish she writes again but whatever she does, akong admiration will not stop.

    she deserves all the love. and your family is so sweet to make her day as special as she is.

  2. konsuy said...
    i really admire pie gyud. i love her writing. her photographs. everything about her. mao siguro i can so relate to this blog....

    Daghan na ta gimingaw sa iyang blogs, Chi! Hehe! Thank you! :-)

  3. I agree with you. Jopie is one amazing photographer and writer and I wish, too, that she'd blog again. She's also one of the gentlest people I know.

    That was so sweet of all of you to throw her a surprise party! Everything looked yum and the cake, so pretty! : )

  4. Aileen said...
    That was so sweet of all of you to throw her a surprise party! Everything looked yum and the cake, so pretty! : )

    Thank you, Ai! We are Jopie's only family here, and we want her 40th to be extra special. Hope we made it that way for her! :-)
