Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thoughts on Career

I have always believed that to get to where you want to be in your career, you do not ask.  You work hard for it!  But after years of working here in the US, I realized that this is may not necessarily be the case.

If you work hard enough and yield good results, people will notice you.  Friends will give you a pat in the back and your boss may thank you.  Maybe you'll get a raise or a bonus, but you will hardly get the job that you want unless you ask for it.

I am one of those who normally doesn't ask.  I am one of those who notice people's hard work and reward them if I can, and I expect others to do the same.  I expect people to pay attention and notice how hard I work and I expect them to do the right thing of pushing my career forward and paying me what I deserve.  Sadly, things don't always happen the way we want and maybe that's why I haven't progressed as far as I would have hoped.

I have learned that sometimes, to get to where you want to be in your career you have to first, look for the opportunity, then ask, and then prove your worth!


Photo above:  The view from my office window.  No, I am not the big boss with the great office view--this is pretty much what you see from almost every corner of our entire office.


konsuy March 18, 2010 at 3:00 PM  

your insight is so true. i share your feeling. i too just want to work hard but unfortunately in some cultures, you just have to be brave, and ask.
ganahan kaayo ko imong view.

Life+Style by C. Dacua-Ellazar Photography March 18, 2010 at 7:18 PM  

very true liz... and a nice view =)

Aileen April 11, 2010 at 10:47 PM  

"I have learned that sometimes, to get to where you want to be in your career you have to first, look for the opportunity, then ask, and then prove your worth!"

Very well said, Liz! and I agree! :)



About This Blog

I got interested in photography when I met my husband. He loved photography since the 80's when he owned a Canon AE1 SLR camera. When we got married, we met a great photographer who inspired me even more. I started taking photos when my husband and I got our DSLR camera back in 2005. I never really shared my photos. But lately, I've been introduced to photoblogging and I saw it to be a great way of expression. My photos are amateur but I hope to learn more as I blog and connect with people. San Francisco Guide

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