Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kera + Lyn

I never expected that one of my first photography gigs would be a boudoir session.  I thought I would be doing more baby shoots and engagement shoots, but not like this.  Not boudoir.  This isn't my forte.  I'm not good at this.

But these two ladies--Kera and Lyn, both co-workers of my friend Eva, loved Eva's photos and wanted me to do theirs too.  They were so excited (even more excited than I was-- I was more terrified than excited).  I was afraid that I couldn't deliver or that they wouldn't be pleased with the photos and think it wasn't worth their buck.  But how can I say "No"?  This was such a good opportunity for me.

So I prepared for it by browsing a lot of photography sites specializing on boudoir photography.  Miss Boudoir is one of my favorites.  Check out her "before and after" photos and be amazed at how she transformed women to gorgeous-looking models.  I bet their husbands didn't recognize them when looking at the photos. 

The two of them also came prepared.  Actually, I thought I only had one booking (Kera) until another one (Lyn) showed up at the very last minute.  I only had two hours to spare and was a little worried about the extra booking. But because they came very well-prepared (their hair and make-up done and they were ready with their little outfits) I was able to finish shooting both of them in an hour and a half.  So I suggested we do an outdoor [and more wholesome] shoot afterwards.  We did the outdoor shoot for another 30 minutes before I headed back to the airport.  We did this shoot in Las Vegas last week.

Kera and Lyn are both Filipinos.  One of them is raised here in the US, but I forgot who.  They are cousins.  Lyn is the one with the ring and she is getting married soon.

I admire these ladies.  When I asked them why they wanted sexy shots and what they were going to do with the photos, they just said, "we just want to look beautiful--like those women in magazines!".  I told them, "you are already beautiful!".  I asked them if they were going to show the photos to the boyfriend/fiance, and they both exclaimed, "of course, we are going to show these off!"  And they had a good laugh.

I thought they were kidding until a few days later, I learned that they were showing the photos off to all their friends and co-workers (just female co-workers, of course), and their favorite patients (they both work as Physical Therapists at a Las Vegas Hospital and Rehab facility).

I couldn't believe it, but I'm happy.  Happy because it shows that they like the photos.  Maybe I can also get referrals that way--who knows?

Sharing more of my favorite photos here...

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Dearest...

... Charles,

When I was a little girl, I played "bahay-bahay" a lot, and I had a lot of dreams.

On my birthday, I would ask my grandma for a miniature cooking set and a small corner in the dirty kitchen where I would play cook.  I pretended to be a mom cooking and serving dinner for my family.  I had a dirty little doll that I would bathe and change.  And at night, I would sleep hugging my pillow pretending to be a wife sleeping in the comfort of my husband's arm.

I imagined a husband--a man who is tall, dark and handsome (at least I got one of these☺), a man who is a good provider and protector, and one who is smart, brave and strong.  And I imagined someone who adores me, holds me in a pedestal, and everyday looks at me as if I was the most beautiful woman in the world!

Someone told me that I was dreaming of a silly fairy tale.  Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't.

But when I got older, I realized that we can never dream of everything.

I didn't dream of walking through airport security with a heavy luggage in one hand and a screaming toddler in another.
I didn't dream of sitting in a restaurant with a little guy next to me throwing food and water bottle on the floor (and on me).
I didn't dream of working 10 hours a day, sometimes more, and going home only to find myself cooking, feeding the baby, bathing him and putting him to sleep, instead of relaxing and watching TV.

But these things have to be.  Because some things need to be experienced so we can all appreciate life. 

When I was a little girl someone did tell me I was dreaming of a silly fairy tale, but little did I know that in twenty-five years or so, this silly fairy tale of a young, naive little girl would actually turn out to be something I'd call "my life".

Yes, I am living the life I had dreamed of!

Because although you are short and pale, you are the man in my dreams!
You are the first to hug me when I'm scared.
You are the first to tap my back when I accomplish something and you beam with pride when I achieve a milestone.
You are there to encourage me when I doubt myself.
You are there to comfort me when I fail.
You made me a wife and a mother to this beautiful, happy little boy who is a spitting image of you!  And although this little boy screams and throws food and things at me, he is also there to meet and hug me and give me the brightest smile when I come home from an exhausting work day.  He is the joy that fills our home.
You are there to clean, mow the lawn, water the plants and wash dirty clothes while I cook.
You are there to wash the dishes every after meal.
You are there to put the baby to sleep so I can relax and enjoy a hobby.
You are a man among men.
You stand out in everything you do.
You are the best father our little one can ever have.
You are warm and cool and you can polish the car better than anybody else in this planet!
You are unique and wonderful, and you are mine.

I am not a little girl anymore.  I am now a woman and I have become a superwoman because of you! 

Today you turn 48, and I know you worry about getting old so fast.  But don't be.  I am here for you and I always will be (just promise that whatever you do or become, just don't turn bald on me☺)!  And more than anything, I want you to know that I love you more than I ever dreamed of.

Thank you for making all my dreams come true.
And for making me live not just a life, but a fairy tale!

Your Princess,



About This Blog

I got interested in photography when I met my husband. He loved photography since the 80's when he owned a Canon AE1 SLR camera. When we got married, we met a great photographer who inspired me even more. I started taking photos when my husband and I got our DSLR camera back in 2005. I never really shared my photos. But lately, I've been introduced to photoblogging and I saw it to be a great way of expression. My photos are amateur but I hope to learn more as I blog and connect with people. San Francisco Guide

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