Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Ride

Today, I did my longest ride yet--33 miles in 2.5 hours.  I was so proud of myself until I stopped at the  General Store.  The General Store is a landmark in a charming little town called Nicasio Valley. Nicasio boasts a number of dairy farms, cheese factories, wineries and a magnificent view of the Nicasio Reservoir, the biggest water source here in Marin. It is a reservoir but it sure looks like a giant lake.

The Nicasio route is very popular to cyclists because of its elevation, winding roads, bike-friendly neighborhoods and wonderful views. Some riders from other cities would even drive here to ride in the Nicasio route. Luckily, I live in the area, and Nicasio is just a 30-mile ride for me back and forth.

The General Store is a very popular rest stop for cyclists.  You can buy pretty much anything from the small grocery store.  There is cheese tasting if you want to sample the local cheeses.  And there are a couple of nice restaurants next to it if you feel like stopping for lunch before hitting the road again.

Now back to my real story...

So I was beaming with pride when I stopped at the General Store for a water refill. I looked at my phone GPS and thought to  myself, "Wow! By the time I get home, I would have biked 33 miles. I feel really good right now!" But that was only until I met all the other riders who, like me, stopped and rested around the General Store.  A group of riders ranging from the 20's to the 50's came all the way from San Francisco. I spoke to one of them and learned that they were training for an AIDS charity ride that will start from San Francisco all the way to Los Angeles! And for that day alone, they need to ride 70 miles! There was also this lady who parked her bike next to mine. She looked at her monitor and said "67 miles". I couldn't believe what I heard so I asked her, "67 miles??? Where did you ride from?" She told me she lives in Mill Valley and she rode all the way from there and into San Rafael, Tomales Bay, Marshall and back.  By the time she gets back to her home, she would have biked at least 100 miles.  And oh, she should be at least 60 years old!

I felt such an amateur, but I realized that in fact, I am. I've only had my bike for less than a year now.  Who knows how long these people have been riding?  And I must remind myself that it makes no sense comparing me against riders in a different echelon.  Maybe I'll get there someday.  If I keep on riding.

I reminded myself of one of the things I believe in--that if I want to be somebody someday, I have to start somewhere. And I made myself a deal to start a commitment.  Whenever possible, I will do at least one big ride and one little ride a week.  A little ride is no more than 20 miles on a weekday, and a big ride is no less than 20 miles on a weekend.  And I will try to increase my big ride by 5 miles each week.

If I do this, I should see myself doing 70 miles for a days ride in my not so distant future.  Hopefully before I turn 60!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Torta di Mandorla

I have nearly 3 pounds of almond flour at home.  These were leftovers from last November when I made so many Macarons for my nephew's birthday.  I was afraid they would go bad so I quickly searched for recipes requiring almond flour, thinking it has to be one for Almond Cake.  I love anything made from almonds, Macarons included.  I used to buy this almond tart at a local grocery and bakery in Corte Madera, but they don't have them anymore.

Gladly, I found this recipe for Torta di Mandorla (moist Almond Cake) and it's from one of my favorite recipe blogs. This blog is also where I got the recipes for my Lemon Pound Cake and Pumpkin Bread.

The cake turned out really good!  It was moist, very aromatic and light to the taste.  The best part of it though was the browned-butter glaze. It was head-spinning delicious! The nuttiness of the browned butter went amazingly well with the toasted almonds which I topped the cake with! I could eat the glaze by itself and I'd be happy!  Yes, it's that good!

The author of the blog, Julia, said this may be the best cake she's ever had! Maybe not for me. I've had better ones.  But this recipe is definitely a keeper. And the cake?  Definitely one that I'll make again and serve my guests with!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Surprised At 40

My cousin J just turned 40!  Wow, time has really gone by unbelievably fast.  While I was putting this collage together for her surprise party, I thought about her and how she was in her younger years.  I wish I had photos of her back then to include in the collage, but every memory I have of her is all in my head.

My sister and I grew up admiring her.  She was [and still is] very smart. She was very popular in school.  She always looked nice--tall, slim, neat and very well-groomed. Her hair so black, straight and shiny. She walked so gracefully and turned heads everywhere she went. When we would go back to our parents' hometown during fiesta celebrations and she would be out and about, people--including myself, would stop whatever we're doing to stare at her.  I don't know if she knew this back then but that was how it was!

We lost contact when her family moved to Cebu. I can't recall when I saw her next, but what I clearly remember was how stunned I was at how much she's grown. She was even more beautiful and she looked radiant!  I remember feeling so embarrassed in front of her, but she was always so kind, grounded and very approachable. She had a way of making us feel comfortable in front of her and her family. When I moved to Cebu myself, I saw her more, but not very often.  I remember going to the movies with her. We watched Moulin Rouge together. I had already seen the movie once but I watched it again so I could watch it with her. I remember going out with her and sharing a crepe at East West Cafe in the IT Park. I remember meeting her at Tinder Box when she was trying to get over a painful break-up.  I think that was the start of our stronger bond. We communicated regularly since then and it went on even after I moved to the US.  She followed about four years later.

These days, we still don't see each other very often, but we keep each other posted through texts, occasional phone calls, Facebook and Instagram.  It is a bummer that she doesn't blog anymore. She is such an amazing writer and photographer, and I so love reading her!  But I know she is out there, living her life, managing a household, being the mom and wife that she wants to be, realizing some dreams.

She's had her share of challenges, but who doesn't?  Yet I know she's a fighter and she can get through just about anything.  She has become a very private person, so she doesn't share that much anymore--not to me, at least.  Maybe she opens up to those closer to her, and I hope she does.  I wish her happiness--lots of it. Because she deserves it!

So on her 40th birthday, despite her saying that she doesn't feel like celebrating, I just had to celebrate her.  My aunt, my sister and I, with the help of two friends from afar, planned her surprise party.  I got her husband to cooperate too and he did really well at guarding our secret plan.  In the end, it turned out to be the surprise celebration we had hoped it to be.  The best part of it was the look of genuine happiness in her face. It will definitely be another one of those happy memories that I will have of her.

I hope she knows it in her heart that I care for her and she will always have a support person in me. That I love her like a sister and will always have her back.  That I will always celebrate her victories and share her pains.  I wish that she will always remain the kind, spirited, gracious and beautiful person that she is.  May our good Lord bless her today and always!

Here's sharing more photos of her surprise birthday celebration.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Credo

I believe in a good cup of coffee in the morning.
I believe that a kiss can mean so much more than just affection.
I believe that a little sacrifice today will reward us tomorrow.
I believe that I can never have too many pairs of shoes.
I believe that at least an hour everyday all to myself is critical to my well-being.
I believe that I can pretty much do everything in moderation.
I believe in God, in faith and religion.
I believe that God created the world so beautiful for us to see, and so
I believe in finding the means to travel and see the world.
I believe that if I want to be somebody someday, I have to start somewhere.
I believe that what I've become is a product of my choices, not of circumstances.
I believe that a conversation is the best stress-reliever.
I believe in doing it now before it's too late.
I believe that the best way to change others is to change the way I deal with them.
I believe that success if not for everyone, but happiness is.
I believe that I am sincerely and utterly in love.
I believe that he and I can do things better if we do it together.
I believe that we should never stop complimenting each other.
I believe that there is always time for just about anything and everything.
I believe that being a little crazy is alright!

Back In The Saddle

I didn't ride much during the winter.  It's not because I found it too cold, but it was just hard to find the time to ride. I had more travels in December than I had any other months in the year. Then I had my surgery, which prevented me from riding for weeks.  And yes, it was cold too.

But now, I am so happy to be back in saddle! We've re-attached the bike rack on the car so I can take the bike to places during the weekends. I am excited to be riding regularly again! I look forward to warm and long days ahead--the kind that will give me enough daylight to still be out riding after a days work.



About This Blog

I got interested in photography when I met my husband. He loved photography since the 80's when he owned a Canon AE1 SLR camera. When we got married, we met a great photographer who inspired me even more. I started taking photos when my husband and I got our DSLR camera back in 2005. I never really shared my photos. But lately, I've been introduced to photoblogging and I saw it to be a great way of expression. My photos are amateur but I hope to learn more as I blog and connect with people.

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