Friday, October 9, 2009

Our Story

He and I met in the oddest of circumstances! We worked together in a small company in Cebu but we didn't meet until we were about to leave for the US to get some training--we met at the airport. Well, I was the one about to get trained. He was already going back and forth our Cebu and US offices working as a consultant.

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined being married to him. When we first met and even after we became very close friends for a few years, we were dating other people. We were both in serious relationships--his was far more serious than mine considering that he and the girl had been together for about 15 years or so.

He was also not my definition of a "dream guy". I wanted somebody "European-ish", one who's tall, dark and sexy--the "maginoo-pero-medyo-bastos" kind of guy. He is Chinese, very fair and good-looking in a different way. He is very well put-together and diplomatic--not the kind I was looking for. But he is kind, smart, witty and never boring, and that was more than enough to make me fall for him!

We both moved to the US on a company-sponsored working visa. During the first year of our US existence, we lived together in a corporate house, shared the company car, went to the same workplace, ate together, traveled together and shared the same friends. We were away from our family, friends and support groups, and we only had each other. We were in an environment and in a situation that was very conducive to emotional attachment, and if I may say--"romance". To make the long story short, we fell in love!

It took a long time before he and I made our relationship official--I don't think we ever did until we got engaged. And this is because he was committed to someone else. Being with me was probably one of the toughest decisions he had to make. It was very hard on him. He did not want to hurt people, especially those he loved. He took a lot of risk choosing me and a lot of sacrifices in the process. Yet, he didn't get much credit for what he did.

Instead, some people thought he was such a jerk (pardon me for using this word) for what he did to her--for keeping such a lengthy relationship with her that ended up in nothing. But what he did was honest and fair to him, to her and to everybody involved. Yes, he may have hurt people in the process, but for once he did something for himself! He did what he felt was right! And just like everybody else, he deserves the freedom to choose especially when the rest of his life is at stake!

As for me--yes, I do sometimes feel that I am a bad person. I wrecked somebody's hopes and dreams and I stole somebody's future. But none of these things I meant to do! Someone once asked me if I feel sorry about what happened and if I should ask for forgiveness. Why? How can I be sorry for loving someone? I did not wish for us to happen--it just did. And if only one can choose how to feel towards someone, I would not have chosen to love him.

For what it's worth and if it's any consolation that is, he really did love her! His feelings for her was genuine and he had the noblest of intentions. I know that for sure because I have never seen him cry harder than he did when he broke up with her to be with me. I felt his pain. I felt his regrets. I was with him during those times when he could hardly comprehend how to forgive himself for hurting somebody he cared for. I understood and I hope she understood as well--that some things are just not meant to be! And I can only hope that someday, sometime in the future, she will come to know everything--that it wasn't as easy for him as some people may have thought, and it was no celebration for anyone, not even myself!

Today, I look at him and see how happy he is! We have a beautiful child--a testament of our love. It's a pity that we had to go through a lot of pain to get to where we are, but it's comforting to know that however great the pain you inflict upon yourself and others, something beautiful will come out of it--if, and only if, you follow your heart!


Shutterfairy October 11, 2009 at 1:44 AM  

I thank you for sharing your story Liz.

That was brave him of him to say goodbye. He knew what he really wanted and that is to be with you.

photosandmemos October 11, 2009 at 2:43 PM  

Liz, i am in awe of your echo Mai, thank you for sharing it..

its nice to put a story to a happy ending,that is you now...i truly believe, things are meant to happen..

you were plucked by fate to be together...look at you now and are meant to be with one another..


Liza October 11, 2009 at 3:11 PM  

Mai.Mai said...

I thank you for sharing your story Liz.


I didn't think I'd ever be comfortable sharing this. But maybe all I really needed was time and a group of people who I can trust--those who would read me and never judge! :-)

Liza October 11, 2009 at 3:14 PM  

photosandmemos said...

...its nice to put a story to a happy ending,that is you now...i truly believe, things are meant to happen..

you were plucked by fate to be together...look at you now and are meant to be with one another..


Thanks Chel! I get paranoid sometimes and when I do, I'd ask him "are you happy?" and he's give me a resounding YES! I guess things will really happen when they are meant to be.

***Hugs back***

konsuy October 11, 2009 at 4:18 PM  

your story is a beautiful story. it is worth retelling. i saw how you have came to be and i know for sure that you are meant for each other. i see it in the happiness of you being together. your wedding still remains to be the best wedding ever. maybe because the journey to getting there was so worth it. think of how this have made the bond stronger. honestly, i have never seen charles look so happy and younger looking. (the photos don't lie)

JoPiE October 11, 2009 at 9:19 PM  

cuz, i always believe that all is fair in love and war! through all these years, i've come to know what a good person C is -- and i know it wasn't an easy decision for him. i can see in his face now how happy he is. there's just that glow in his eyes that can't be denied. i wish you more and more blissful years together! :-)

Aileen October 12, 2009 at 2:31 AM  

in difficult situations, you are right, the best thing to do is to follow one's heart.

wishing you both forever, liz! thank you for sharing your story. =)

Life+Style by C. Dacua-Ellazar Photography October 13, 2009 at 6:43 AM  

Wow liz, what a story... i feel like me and hubs story is great but man... you and C has more depth. Thank you for sharing.

I love the picture above by the way liz, i truly see the happy family in it =) ... love you guys!!!



About This Blog

I got interested in photography when I met my husband. He loved photography since the 80's when he owned a Canon AE1 SLR camera. When we got married, we met a great photographer who inspired me even more. I started taking photos when my husband and I got our DSLR camera back in 2005. I never really shared my photos. But lately, I've been introduced to photoblogging and I saw it to be a great way of expression. My photos are amateur but I hope to learn more as I blog and connect with people. San Francisco Guide

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