Saturday, December 6, 2008

Shoot 'n Share

I am new to blogging, and to be completely honest I am not very fond of it. But lately I've been inspired by a good friend of mine, Chichi, who uses blogging as a tool to connect with friends, express her thoughts and share her day-to-day experiences through photos.

You see, writing is not my forte but I do take a lot of photos and I love doing it. Photography has been a hobby that Charles and I share for a while now, yet we haven't really taken a lot of steps to be good at it--especially me. Charles at least has the theory (he reads a lot about photography), while I just try to learn a trick or two with every shot.

I never thought about sharing my photos as well, until recently. I mean, why not? Since I'm no wordsmith, might as well use my photos to share a little bit of myself to someone else.

This photo was taken by a friend of mine and another photography enthusiast, Jeffrey Uy.  It shows Charles taking countless photos of me and my friends during one of our summer trips.


Liza December 12, 2008 at 12:26 PM  
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Shutterfairy December 14, 2008 at 3:12 AM  

i met chichi through blogging..
you're photos are great.. you just have to click some more..hehehe..

i enjoy being here.

Life+Style by C. Dacua-Ellazar Photography December 15, 2008 at 11:20 PM  

it's so funny liz how you and i are alike... same here i am not a master of words, i think i can express better in photos... i do some reading and trying to learn more tricks here and there... speaking of reading, what does charles preference as reading materials? i am thinking of a photography magazine, i am just not sure which one is good (i'd like one that teaches amateur photographer - like dummies for photographer maybe). if you have any suggestion, please let me know.

Liza December 16, 2008 at 1:20 PM  

Hi Dee! We personally like Digital Photographer magazine. This is a UK-based magazine but I like it because it speaks about photography in laymen's terms. Medyo mahal lang cya--they sell it at Costco for $12 per issue. I checked about ordering it online but with shipping from the UK, I think it will be better to get it locally. Another reference I can recommend is Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby. It contains very straightforward explanation about tricks and techniques. You can get them at Amazon:



About This Blog

I got interested in photography when I met my husband. He loved photography since the 80's when he owned a Canon AE1 SLR camera. When we got married, we met a great photographer who inspired me even more. I started taking photos when my husband and I got our DSLR camera back in 2005. I never really shared my photos. But lately, I've been introduced to photoblogging and I saw it to be a great way of expression. My photos are amateur but I hope to learn more as I blog and connect with people. San Francisco Guide

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