Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Message of Thanks

I took my parents to a walk in the park today. It was supposed to be just for sight-seeing and maybe a little exercise, but it turned out to be one bonding experience. We started talking about how much sacrifice there is to having a baby and my mom ended up musing over how we were being cared for when we were little.

I may never be able to put into enough words what my parents have done to make me feel indebted to them for the rest of my life. We were an average family--my father was a manager of a small financing company and my mother a housewife, who at the same time was running a small family business for some extra income. They didn't earn much so we didn't have the luxury of material possessions that other people had. But we were happy. My parents were able to send us to one of the best schools in the city and despite being around wealthy children all the time, they made sure we did not feel inferior.

There were times when we would envy our friends and wished we had what they had. There were even times when we would ask our parents "why didn't you just become a nurse or an engineer so you could go abroad and we would have plenty of money?" Other times, we would ask them "if you can hardly afford it, why did you send us to these expensive schools?"

But my parents knew what was essential to life. They would always remind us that we had enough, and that we were better off than they were when they were growing up. My parents always told us that we should work hard and take advantage of education so when we get older and have families of our own, we can do better than them and we can give our kids more than what they could give us.

Needless to say, they instilled in us the values of contentment, togetherness and integrity, which as I now fully comprehend, are way more important than money.

I guess I'll never be what I am now if my parents didn't raise me the way that they did, and I can never thank them enough. So I plan to spend the rest of my life making them aware of how much they have accomplished. They are the kind of parents that any child should wish for. And how very lucky I am that I am their child!


When I think of all the things you have done
the ways in which you care
I am filled with so much gratitude
and pride that is always there
I seldom take the time to tell you
how much you really mean to me
So now I’m telling you what’s in my heart
“I wish I can be even half as good a parent as you are to me!”
I love you dearly!


Shutterfairy December 29, 2008 at 4:07 AM  

This entry tugged my heart.
I like the effect.There's a hint of red. What action is this?

Liza December 29, 2008 at 5:03 AM  

Hi Mai! It's a combination of Sepia and Burnt Effect. You can also use the Colorized Action in Photoshop and combine it with Color Burn.

konsuy December 29, 2008 at 3:13 PM  

oh yes, you have grown to be very loving and accomplished at the same time. your parents raised you well.

Liza December 29, 2008 at 9:05 PM  

thanks chi! i'm trying to be good para sad dili sila ma-disappointed nako, hehe.

Anonymous December 29, 2008 at 10:33 PM  

liz, based on how you and your siblings turned out, tita and tito truly raised you well.

you have accomplished so much at a young age (yes, you're still young!), and yet you've remained down-to-earth. I AM SUPER PROUD OF YOU, in case you didn't know. :-)

Life+Style by C. Dacua-Ellazar Photography December 30, 2008 at 12:29 PM  

what a wonderful message liz... it moved me a lot. i feel your message so much that i missed my family back home --- you are truly blessed. by the way, love the different look of your photo.

Liza December 30, 2008 at 2:02 PM  

CUZ, thanks for the very kind words! Makahilak man sad ta! Di na ko young uy, tigu-young na! Hehe... I am proud of you too! And you have no idea how glad I am that we're related!!!

DEE, I'm sure your mom misses you too! Ingon akong mama that Ma'am Yolie talks about you and your kids a lot! Hope you'll see her again soon!



About This Blog

I got interested in photography when I met my husband. He loved photography since the 80's when he owned a Canon AE1 SLR camera. When we got married, we met a great photographer who inspired me even more. I started taking photos when my husband and I got our DSLR camera back in 2005. I never really shared my photos. But lately, I've been introduced to photoblogging and I saw it to be a great way of expression. My photos are amateur but I hope to learn more as I blog and connect with people. San Francisco Guide

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